Friday, January 24, 2014

Catalina and Her Disappearing Knot!

This is my baby girl, Catalina.

She likes to get in fights with her sister. 


Most recently she ended up with a HUGE knot on the inside of her right "elbow".  I tried to let it go down on its own, not knowing what it was.  I finally decided to take her to the doctor.

First off, she is NOT friendly to all.  So the vet visit in itself was going to prove tricky.  But the appointment was made, and we would venture to see Dr. Chambers on 1/16/2014.  I decided to douse myself and her in both Peace and Calming and Stress Away before work, and before entering the vets office.  Generally if you are stressed, your animal will be too no matter how much oil you put on them. 
The visit went GREAT.  Not a single woof was spoken, although she did talk to him in her cute little voice.

Doc let us know that she had torn her tendon sheath--Capitis Elbow--and would need surgery, and that he had NEVER seen this issue heal itself.  I was encouraged to go home and do research.  As any good parent would, that's what I did.  HOURS of research on this subject.  I decided since she was in virtually no pain that I would try to treat the issue on my own. 

Saturday would be the beginning of the regimen.  I gathered my trusty Young Living oils, supplements, and research, and took her to work (I know this is not practical for most, but I'm thankful it is an option for me).  So day 1 and 2 we alternated the pairings EVERY hour we were awake.  Yes, EVERY single one.

Oils of choice:
I paired together 2 drops Copaiba (inflammation), and 2 drops Lemongrass (tendon health).
I also paired together 2 drops Aroma Siez (inflammation) and 2 drops Marjoram (pain and tendon health).
Because of the strong aroma (and obviously her strong sense of smell) I chose to dilute these with a "squirt" of V6 oil. 
I used Young Livings BLM--1 capsule in wet food 3 times per day for 3 days, and once per day after.

After the initial two days this is what her elbow had decreased to!!
I was thrilled to say the least.

So the following days (4 more since then) I have used Copaiba/Lemongrass in morning and Aroma Siez/Marjoram at night.  I've also started her on Omega-gyze, Multi-greens to get the tendon sheath itself to heal!!
This is what her elbow looks like today compared to 6 days ago.  The swelling has gone from golf ball size to pea size. 

IF I had had to purchase the oils and BLM (I did not, because I had them on hand), I would have spent $161.25 and have leftover oils!! That's a savings of $338.75 (when compared with the surgical cost).  I'm okay with that ;)

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